
Useful information about the area around Woodland View, Ashley Heath

Woodland View, Tower Road, Ashley Heath is just off the B5026 Eccleshall Road near to Loggerheads.

Nearby attractions include:

Bridgemere Gardens

Trentham Gardens

Turner Hodgkiss Community Nature Reserve

Loggerheads Library 


Hugo Meynell Primary School 

Amenities Loggerheads:

Co-Op, Butchers, Post Office, Chemist &



St. Peter’s Church, Broughton

Our Lady & St. John the Baptist, Ashley

 Doctor’s surgery:

Ashley Surgery, Ashley

 Restaurants & Public Houses:

The Blockhouse, Baldwins Gate

Swan Inn with two necks, Blackbrook

Peel Arms, Ashley

Ambrosia Chinese Restaurant, Loggerheads

 Sports Facilities

Swimming pool, Market Drayton